Lean Sigma certification: a speedier version of traditional Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma certification and training process highlights that speed is directly tangled to excellence in the process. You can improve the process flow by eradicating deviations or errors. This will automatically speed up the process, delivering better quality, and help you to maintain a healthy relationship with your clients and customers. If you hold a Lean Six Sigma certification, then you will be able to look at the process and locate the speed bumps to roll out better products and services more hurriedly.

It is true that speed does not mean truncating or squeezing your delivery schedule to get the product out more quickly. Speed means the elimination of mistakes which slow down or stop the process and thereby, affecting the quality and delivery. By adopting the Lean Six Sigma method, you can become more skilled and competent in looking for opportunities in order to modernize your business process. With the help of the Lean Six Sigma method, you can identify your core process and you have the tools which will help you to make the core process better and more smoothly.

If you possess a Lean Six Sigma certificate, you will be able to understand the two basic disciplines for speeding up the process and they are short frequent learning cycles or knowledge creation, and delayed commitment. Being Certified in Lean Six Sigma also means that you have mastered the statistical tools and skills with which help you to achieve your goals as well as your organization’s goals.

Whenever the project involves knowledge creation rather than just knowledge replication, speed and quality will come from improving the flow, and Lean processes tell senior management that you have the skills to accomplish this goal. Many times, project managers are guilty of gumming up the process by forcing early choices and reducing the number of possibilities, rather than listening to their Lean professionals. Project managers lead the project from the frontend and often take a decision on their own. They hardly consult with the certifies professionals or allow those professionals to run the process to reveal what is right and what is wrong in the application. Lean Six Sigma certification means having an understanding of a multitude of options simply by looking at the core process itself.

Tweaking or changing the process as you move through it will narrow the process into a smoother stream that naturally speeds up because the problems have been eliminated. This is where Lean Six Sigma certification differs from traditional Six Sigma professionals. Layering in Six Sigma adds practices that are unwieldy and not right for your core process, making it slow and unresponsive, as well as not tolerant to change. This is sometimes taken as applying discipline to an unruly situation.

An individual certified in Lean Six Sigma would recognize this problem almost immediately by analysing the process and why it is slowing down