Motivation on Six Sigma: Where does Organization lose its focus?

Data is causing a revolution in businesses and this has been brought about by realizing the potential of effectively analyzing the data that is available to us. Six Sigma allows businesses to reduce or even totally eliminate defects in their business processes by analyzing data. Most companies better themselves by working towards the ideal Six Sigma goal and produce outcomes that improve customer satisfaction and beneficial outcomes multi fold.

It is generally a tool that modern companies use to evaluate existing processes and the possible outcomes, thereby identifying areas for the scope of improvement. It defines goals, measures progress, Designs new methodologies and verifies the outcome. Let us now look at some of the major areas that companies should lay focus upon to achieve the best possible results from Six Sigma.

1. Customer Satisfaction:

While attracting new customers to your business is a very important aspect of your business, retaining your current customers and maintain long-term business links with them is very advantageous for your business. The rapid improvement of customer satisfaction facilitated by Six Sigma, Ensures that your customers remain loyal to you. Six Sigma studies the data available and points out the critical aspects of a product that plays a major role in customer satisfaction.

2. Time Management:

A lot of companies lose sight of their goal or their quality standards while they rush to meet deadlines. These goals or standards are often not set taking time management into account. Six Sigma helps you set Smart Goals on an efficient Timeline that helps achieve the best possible results.

3. Cycle Time:

Very often the timelines planned out at the beginning of a project are not adhered to. This results in shabby work performed closer to the deadline, or the deadline being pushed altogether. Six Sigma implements a special team that watches the performance of the team and decide upon an ideal time frame for a task and ensures that problems related to the same can be identified and fixed.

4. The motivation of Employees:

The more motivated your employees, the better they perform. This makes them work with the company’s interest in mind. Six Sigma’s tools and techniques help employees to stay motivated and put in their best. This, in turn, improves the morale of a team and makes it easier for employees to work together towards a common goal.

5. Strategy Development:

All good businesses need a good strategy. This is one of the main areas Six Sigma focuses on. It identifies specific areas where a company need to perform better to improve its status in the market and works on building a strategy for the same.

6. Supply Chain:

The products that a company produces largely depends on the suppliers. By decreasing the supply points in a chain, the number of defects can be reduced significantly. Such improvements can cause a lot of improvement in the overall outcome of the products. Six Sigma is a tool that can greatly assist in identifying such flaws and making improvements to your business as a whole.