How can you find the best Six Sigma professionals in your business?

Six Sigma is one of the pristine strategies that many organizations are using and are getting a chunk of positive results in their products and business. But if you want to achieve an unparalleled success in your business by employing Six Sigma approach, then you certainly need some best and dexterous Six Sigma professionals who will help you in achieving your goals. It is an arduous and challenging job to find the best Six Sigma professionals for your company.  Still, there are some ways by which you can identify the best one from the standout.

  • Check their resume thoroughly: These days, the markets are crammed with many Six Sigma training institutes who provide some professionals training on Six Sigma courses and certificates after the completion of the course. Most of the aspirants should include “Six Sigma certified” on their resumes. So, check the resumes of the candidates in a detailed way and find out if they have written anything like “Six Sigma certified” or not.

  • Written test: If you want to hire the best candidates for your organization, then it is advisable to go for a written test. A written test will help you to evaluate how much knowledge your potential candidate possess. A written test should include a mixture of multiple choice questions related to Lean, Six Sigma, and even Theory of Constraints. The exam should be designed with a minimum passing score of 80% and generally no less than 30 questions. If your required take help from the executives who have a competence knowledge of Six Sigma in order to set up the questions. If your candidate passes the exam with flying colours, then he is the perfect choice for your organization.
  • Personal interview: This is a very effective step in the candidate evaluation process. Granted that the candidate has already passed the written exam, this gives the interviewer a chance to see how the individual might interact with people in your organization or whether they need an advanced training or explanation during the Six Sigma projects. Don’t forget to ask him how many Six Sigma projects he has finished in the past, the project details, what are the issues that they found earlier, how they detected and eliminated the errors after using Six Sigma approach, etc. All these questions will help you to understand whether he is suitable for your organization or not.
  • Offer an exceptional package and incentives: Even after finishing the Six Sigma training, most of the employees remain underrated by their organizations. So, if you can offer a lucrative package, incentives, and astounding growth opportunities to the candidates, then you will definitely get some good and adroit candidates for your organization. This will also help the people who deserve better positions in your company because you are appreciating their hard work and dedication.

Indubitably, finding a proficient and skilled Six Sigma employee for your organization is a daunting task for you. But if you can follow the above-mentioned ways, then you will definitely get the best employees for your organization who will ameliorate the growth and profit of the company.

The role of HR in Six Sigma initiative

Six Sigma is basically a philosophy and a methodology which aims at improving processes for the betterment of business results. This approach aims at achieving the least number of errors, leaving a chance for precisely only three customers among a million to complain.

Six Sigma has the capacity to refurbish the existing processes of a company. So, it can’t be denied that the line and staff should be well-coordinated if the company wants to meet the Six Sigma objectives. When talking about the HR department, below, we are mentioning the prime deliverable for meeting six sigma requirements.

  • Selection and retention: Six Sigma black belts are the strength of a company and they are responsible for implementing the Six Sigma initiative at every level of an organization. HR professionals can help the company management to find the right people for Black Belt roles and ensure that they remain in those positions even after some years. For this, an HR professional needs to create a competency model that will help them to identify the right candidates who have the required skills and knowledge. Not only that, an HR should create a strong retention policy so that the Black belts can stay with the company.
  • Rewards and recognition: Rewarding and recognizing Black Belts and other Six Sigma team members is a very complicated job. This is because the people selected for the six sigma are of every rank and order of the organization. So, an HR should handle this issue very carefully and strategically. An efficient HR should design the compensation and rewards in such a way that every team members will get motivated to take on further six sigma projects. Along with the monetary rewards, the HR should develop a non-monetary programme for the team members.
  • Knowledge management: When you are planning to implement Six Sigma on various projects, at that time, business processes are examined on a microscopic level, and their productivity is analysed on a numerical basis. If there is no data management, then the valuable and relevant information about the company will lose. The learning process needs to be collated and disseminated within the organization. The Hr team can become the prime knowledge resource centre which can enhance business capabilities.
  • Can create a Six Sigma culture: Many top-level managers and leaders think that Six Sigma is a way which can change an organization’s culture and can make it more data-driven, proactive, and customer-oriented. HR professionals can help the executives for culture change in such a way that addresses the underlying business goals without creating organizational resistance. They can identify how Six Sigma can go well with the present culture rather than against the current trend.
  • Change management: When a company plans to implement Six Sigma in their process, then many management procedures need to be overhauled. This can lead to a change in management thinking, working pattern and attitudes. It is true that a change can bring a lot of organizational resistance. In this context, the HR should play the role of a change agent and become the catalyst for change from old to new business trends.

These are some core roles of an HR in Six Sigma initiative. But the person should be deft and knowledgeable so that he can show Six Sigma executives the value that he can add to an organization.

What the future holds for Six Sigma?

Six Sigma has penetrated in the market in 1980s and it has already created a huge buzz for the manufacturing as well as service industry. Six Sigma has surpassed many other business management tools and has created its own niche in the business field. Though many naysayers are trying to tarnish the image and the usefulness of Six Sigma, still it’s future is very scintillating if you can use it wisely.

Six Sigma (process improvement) related computer keys.

Let’s take a look at some of the future promises of Six Sigma

Applications for both large and small organizations: Despite the widespread use and success of Six Sigma on the corporate giant level, the full potential of the program still has not been realized. This is because the process has not been fully utilized by medium and small-sized companies. Though the resources are present within these companies, still they are reluctant to achieve final certification due to a belief that Six Sigma was only meant for large companies. Smaller businesses need to realize that Six Sigma offers the same end results for any size of business, with the main difference being in the volume of business. So, in the future, it can be expected that more and more small organizations will adopt Six Sigma methodologies to improve their efficiency and performance.

Six Sigma holds a better prospect than other TQM: Six Sigma may appear similar to other quality management tools such as TQM or Kaizen Events, but in reality, it is quite different. Other quality management programs often reach a stage after which no further quality improvements can be made. On the other hand, Six Sigma is different as it focuses on taking quality improvement processes to the next level. So, it can be concluded that Six Sigma has the potential to outlast other quality management programs in the future. Thus, the scope and the future of Six Sigma are much bigger than other quality management programs as Six Sigma can be applied to any business process of an organization.

Six Sigma will firmly establish its effectiveness in the market: A lot of companies have observed a great success after Six Sigma implementation. Still, there are controversies over the overall effectiveness of Six Sigma and the opportunities. There are many top-level managers who claimed that the analytical and statistical tools used in Six Sigma only expose flaws in the execution, failing to account for processes which have numerous defects themselves. On the other hand, Six Sigma adherents claimed that Six Sigma has been highly successful as far as the stated goal of reducing all defects. Even Six Sigma has got more preference than TQM because it is seen as a way to provide continuous improvement rather than a one-shot process improvement initiative.

The future of Six Sigma is very bright and dazzling because it continues to be effective in improving processes and helping businesses to get a better ROI and customer satisfaction rating.

The strength and weaknesses of Six Sigma

Introduced in 1986, Six Sigma has prompted a revolution in how business dealt with quality control and project implementation. Six Sigma is a path-breaking methodology which helps a business to reach the zenith of success. But like everything, this approach has also some upsides and downsides which you should evaluate before implementing this method.

Six Sigma symbol and text over blue abstract background.

Advantages of Six Sigma

  • Proven success: A plethora of statistics has claimed that Six Sigma can uplift a company’s sales volume, stock value, and employee growth if it has been implemented the method properly. An eminent company like GE enjoyed $8 billion in savings during the first three years because it has adopted and used the Six Sigma program wisely.
  • Improves customer satisfaction: Six Sigma is driven by the customer and thus, it helps a company to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by minimizing the errors. It targets the customer delight and provides the company with the innovative ways so that it can meet the requirements of the customers.
  • Enhance the profit: By implementing Six Sigma methodology, you can uplift your profit and at the same time can reduce the costs. Thus, improvements achieved are directly related to financial results.
  • Prevents the errors: It is true that Sigma is a prospective methodology as compared to other quality programs. So, the primary focus of Six Sigma is to prevent the defects rather than fixing it.
  • Improves entire business process: It is attentive to the entire business processes and training is integral to the management system where the top-down approach ensures that every good thing is capitalized and every bad thing is quickly removed.

Now, take a look at some of the weaknesses of Six Sigma approach.

Downsides of Six Sigma

  • Prevents innovation: Six Sigma gives priority on the rigidity of the process which basically gainsays the innovation, kills and the creativity. The innovative approach implies deviations in production, the redundancy, the unusual solutions, insufficient study which are opposite to Six Sigma principles.
  • Expensive: If you are planning to implement Six Sigma approach to your company, then you need to spend a humongous amount. Because you need to provide training to your employees specially related to Six Sigma methods. This training is quite expensive and will burn your pocket.
  • Complicated: Six Sigma model requires a significant amount of statistical data gathering and analysis. The process is intricate and time-consuming. That’s why smaller businesses are not very much inclined to this approach because they find it is very complicated to sustain for long periods of time and give up on six sigma as a potential business model for their company.
  • Total participation is required: If you want to employ Six Sigma, then the total cooperation of the company is needed. If the entire company is not on board, success is not likely. In large companies, getting the entire staff on the same page can be a difficult process.

These are some strengths and weaknesses of Six Sigma which you should know before implementing this approach for your organization.

6 Six Sigma myths dispelled

The Six Sigma approach has set a new paradigm of excellence in the industrial field and over the past few years, it’s growth is simply astounding. Six Sigma method has been used worldwide to bring about improvements in processes by eradicating all the errors. However, in spite of this factor, there is a chunk of myths that remain about Six Sigma. Let’s take a look at some of the popular myths of Six Sigma approach.

Six Sigma is applicable for big companies only: Most of the people think that the eminent companies like Motorola, Samsung, GE, etc. can get benefitted by implementing Six Sigma approaches in their businesses. But the beauty of Six Sigma is that its utility is not only limited to big companies. Six Sigma principles are equally applicable for the small companies also. Not only small companies, even entrepreneurs can use Six Sigma methodologies to make their business more effective in the long run.

Six Sigma is only for the manufacturing industry: This is another popular myth for Six Sigma. Though the principles of Six Sigma were created in manufacturing, it doesn’t mean that they are not applicable to the other industries. Six Sigma is equally applicable to all the sectors including healthcare, software, banking and insurance, etc. and any company can get benefitted by properly using Six Sigma principles.

Six Sigma is a quality management initiative: Very often, Six Sigma is considered just to be another quality management system which has similarity with TQM. But in reality, both these systems are different. Six Sigma teams generally build up actionable plans which ensure the involvement of everyone, from top management to process owners and operators. In Six Sigma approach, the high-level involvement is required if you want to approach the desired result.

Six Sigma can replace the current system: Many organizations think that Six Sigma can replace their current system, but basically Six Sigma is an initiative, this is not a replacement for the existing system. Six Sigma basically eliminates the waste in processes by removing non-value adding activities, thus leading to improvements to the existing processes. So, by employing Six Sigma approach, a company can achieve the profit on a long-term basis.

Six Sigma is solely data based: Data plays an imperative role in Six Sigma because it shows the ways that need to be improved. But Six Sigma also looks at the customer and reviews, complaints as well as compliments. Six Sigma is basically a systematic approach which is done through analysis and measurements of all the important elements.

Six Sigma experts are statisticians: Very often, Six Sigma experts are considered as statisticians because they need to work with the data. But Six Sigma belts are required to understand and use data and statistics in addition to tools like the fishbone or cause and effect diagrams, quality function deployment and process mapping.

These are popular myths of Six Sigma. When you embark on the path to Six Sigma, you should be open-minded and not pre-judge the process before you learn everything about Six Sigma.

Is Six Sigma a realistic goal in the healthcare industry?

Healthcare industry is one of the valuable and precious industry where everyone wants zero defects. Six Sigma is a programme which aims at improving the overall quality of the business by eliminating all the defects and helps them to achieve their desired result. Six Sigma allows healthcare industry to break through the status quo and achieve real process improvement. By employing six sigma principles, healthcare organizations have improved their service level, minimized costs, improved customer satisfaction, and elevated clinical excellence.

Female medicine doctor filling in patient medical history list

There are a plethora of reasons which can prove that why the healthcare industry needs six sigma. Let’s discuss it with the examples.

Six sigma minimizes patient wait time: The North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset had experienced high wait times in their emergency room. It has been found that a patient needs to wait for 187 minutes to see an emergency room doctor. Most of the people believe that the department was short-staffed. By employing Six Sigma techniques, the hospital was able to determine how patients were progressing through different points of the process. By evaluating the data, they have been found that the delays were caused by the physicians, the registrar on duty, and the batching charts. Six Sigma helps them to find out the root cause and that is not inadequate staff, but the prime reason was an inefficient process. Six Sigma helped them to solve the issue and the wait time was decreased by 37%.

Improves the process: In this healthcare industry, the factors which determine the quality and efficiency are basically the flow of information and interaction between the people. Six Sigma helps a healthcare organization in streamlining the flow of information. The core focus of Six Sigma is to improve the process rather than just concentrating on the task. In this way, an organization gets the scope of improvements. Six Sigma provides all the necessary tools and methodologies which will help a healthcare organization in analyzing and transforming human performance. So, by implementing six sigma, a healthcare organization can improve its performance on a long-term basis.

Reduces medication errors: Very often, a healthcare organization suffers from medication errors which will not only help them to lose their businesses but also tarnishes their brand image. Virtua Health was suffered from the medication management process. They need to manage nearly 70 million Americans with some form of cardiovascular disease. The hospital implemented Six Sigma programme and set the standard for patient chart review. Based on these new standards, they have identified that the errors are associated with the documentation processes. With the help of six sigma methodology, the hospital improved their coordination, enhanced the knowledge of the staff, and initiated a better documentation process.

Where Six Sigma can be applied in the healthcare industry

Below, we are mentioning some of the areas of healthcare where Six Sigma can be applied.

  • Purchasing and Supply chain management
  • Clinical Research
  • Billing, coding, and reimbursement
  • Laboratory Efficiency
  • Radiology cycle time
  • Scheduling
  • Patient Education
  • Transcription
  • Emergency department patient flow
  • Referral authorization

These are some ways where six sigma can be used and implemented in the healthcare industry. The healthcare experts should try to integrate some new methods into the six sigma process to improve effectiveness. So, it can be concluded that indubitably six sigma is a realistic goal in the healthcare industry.

Manufacturing industry – advantages and ROI of six sigma

The real motive behind the basic design of the Six Sigma was to improve the performance of the related manufacturing industry. Previously, it originally holds the motive to control the quality of large-scale manufacturing industry. It increases the efficiency of the various products from the manufacturing industry and also eliminating the chances of the number of defects to be found in the process. The Six Sigma method was gradually extended to the different types of industries all over the world.

Let us get in touch with some familiar effects of the Six Sigma in the different manufacturing industries.

The advantages of six sigma in the manufacturing industries are given below

The right measurement: It is the step in which the organizations measure the existing systems to find out what can be done in order to find out the exact point which can be considered as a baseline or a benchmark among the other related points.

Analyzing the different steps: This is the step in which the program focuses on the different systems to analyze the systems in order to eliminate the required defects. The step can be performed in the number of ways which includes a complete statistical analysis to determine the exact cause of the issue causing the defects.

Improvement of the features: While performing this step, the project team seeks the help of optimal solutions. After taking proper consultation the test plan is developed for performing the required action and to process the required goal.

Control over the actions: The given step can act as an ongoing step in the organization which can be modified into different operating instructions and requires policies. This can detect to find the number of steps and procedures which can be used in the future in order to prevent the required defects.

The goal of the Six Sigma related to the manufacturing industry

The goal of the program is primarily the increase in production of the different products in the manufacturing industries along with having the minimum number of defects. The less the number of defects in the overall production of the manufacturing industries, the more beneficial it is for the associated person. This sometimes may seem to be an unachievable task but the manufacturing industries have achieved this final goal in the task ladder by adopting the different techniques related to the Six Sigma to yield more efficient results along with quality products.


The organizations are quite clear nowadays about the availability of the clear communication programs along with the extensive infrastructure of the management sectors. There are lots of companies which have already adopted the usage of the program and are yielding efficient results. The manufacturing industries are turning out to be the latest successful ventures along with their improved products. The words that these companies have used to express the program reveals the fact about the promising truth related to the software and also how they have been saving money with the use of it. It is recommended that before getting in touch with the different usage of the software, spend some time to know more about the program.

Software development industry – advantages and ROI of Six Sigma

Six Sigma is one of the key trends that are being followed by many organizations in the recent times and the trend is getting popular day by day. There are many corporations that are incorporating themselves to be associated with only the related program as it as has made many differences and has drawn bottom lines to make the required work constant and consistent.

The program provides great tools that are extremely effective in improving the quality of the product as well as the manufacturing process, and also for the development of the latest chains of such quality. Though there is some work which is required to process to make it more efficient for software development and managing software-related projects, the program has already proved its consistency over the different software related industry.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The method of SDLC introduces the different quality towards the processes of different end cycle of the project, just before the implementation. Unit testing, system testing etc are some of the commonly used term associated with it. It emphasizes the different designs and reviews the associated code, but the problem with this tool is that it actually comes into play when the software is already ready to be launched.

How is six sigma changing the facts related to SDLC?

  • The approach made by the program is helpful in developing a software since it emphasizes the different concepts and gathering required phases of the different sectors related to the software program. It provides some of the most effective tools to clearly identify the required problems and also ensure the correct approach which makes the primary project on the deliverables and not the technology itself. Process mapping is another important part that plays an important role in the project by understanding the different space and boundary related problems.
  • Six Sigma introduces a quantitative method when it comes to discovering the relationships between the different data. These relationships are generally denoted by the different algebraic forms. Data relationships are one of the most important facts that are required to properly outflow in the development process.
  • The work of six sigma is to find the different approach that can create a problem with the help of the algebraic diagrams. Some of the commonly related diagrams that have been much efficiently used by the program are – data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and object models.
  • The only development phase that six sigma could not yield efficient result is the area related to the system architecture. There are lots of reviews showing the lack of the program to solve the related issues. However, the approaches also do not ensure the optimizations which can later be detected with the use of the program.


In software development, the motive of the program has always been yielding the possible efficient result for managing the different projects. It will by far continue its function of addressing the different specific requirements of the people to solve the software projects.


Six sigma is taking over – Benefit by reducing errors

How six sigma is taking over and what to do about it

Six Sigma is an approach which makes a company’s operations more efficient and competent. The core purpose of this approach is to eradicate all defects and errors in the manufacturing and operational process which are threatening the future of the business. Six Sigma has created a huge buzz these days and thus, companies are also adopting this new fad and are streamlining their businesses.

Many organizations are encouraging their employees to go for a six sigma certification so that the employees can perform in a better way and by identifying and removing all the errors, a company can become the sovereign of this era. Nowadays, the markets are thronged with many institutes (ASQ, ISI, KPMG, etc.) which provide six sigma training to the employees. There are mainly three  levels of six sigma training for the employees and they are

  1. Green belt
  2. Black belt
  3. Master black belt (coming soon on Amile Institute)

By implementing Six Sigma, many companies are saving a chunk of dollars and that’s why six sigma has entered in every department of an organization. Let’s check how six sigma is taking over all the departments and how every department is getting benefitted by this approach.

HR department

  1. Lessen the expenditure for requirement and time to hire an employee
  2. Improve employee onboarding process
  3. Improve employee satisfaction and efficiency of the training
  4. Improve grievance handling process of an organization


  1. With the help of Six Sigma approach, a company uses a disciplined and multifunctional project approach (DMAIC).
  2. The marketing team consists of all well-trained employees (green belt, black belt, and master black belt) who are dexterous, knowledgeable, skilful and know how to deal with an unfavourable situation.
  3. Improve the quality of the products and services
  4. Improve customer satisfaction


  1. Reduce manufacturing time of a product because all the errors have been identified at the initial stage.
  2. Lessen ppm
  3. Improve the capacity of the product
  4. Reduce scrap


  1. A company can serve in a better way with the help of six sigma approach.
  2. Eliminate all the picking errors
  3. Provide detailed information to the customers on delayed deliveries
  4. Reduce stocks


  1. Minimize all the financial risks
  2. A quick response to all the queries made by the employees and customers
  3. Reduce documentation errors
  4. Simulation for all the financial decisions

Complaint management

  1. Reduce time for expertise and proficiency
  2. Lessening lost call rate
  3. If a company leverages six sigma approach with its operation and business process, then it will certainly supply improved and good-quality products.
  4. Improve supplier service level.

Now you have understood how six sigma is taking over gradually and its success stories in all the fields of businesses are also evident. Since Six Sigma methodology encompasses the entire process of doing business, you may find a very little flaw in this process. Though small in number the failures may be, the reasons are quite different for this.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that a six sigma approach can make a company more efficient in every aspect and also help them to establish their presence firmly in this steep competitive era.

The best part of this of course is that Six Sigma certification from Amile Institute is very affordable and globally recognized – go here and get started!

The Evolution of Six Sigma

The Next Big Thing in Six Sigma

According to Charles Darwin, it is important to adapt and evolve according to the requirements of the surrounding in order to survive. The six sigma program is the latest evolution that man can adapt in order to commit fewer mistakes towards their work and become more efficient to their commitment. This is what is making the six sigma program much popular in the recent times.

History of the program

The program was introduced in the 1980. Though at the time, no one could have predicted that this program could have such sort of an outcome and will be of immense importance in the future. Six sigma has evolved and created its own legacy in the different dynasties of business making the other programs falling further behind. By investing in the correct manner possible in the particular program the companies are gaining a lot more satisfied outcomes when it’s coming to dealing with the customers or the dealers in the most efficient way.

Earlier you had only Green Belt and Black Belt certifications – but over time we’ve added White belt (introductory), Yellow belt (for those who like it), Green belt (for QM programme participants/members) and Black belt (for QM programme leaders).

How Six Sigma is yielding efficient results for the businesses

  • The program follows some specific paths sequentially which makes it easier for the people to understand. It indulges discipline among the people following the program and tries to make them more efficient by making their skill-set more effective.
  • One of the most qualities that every business personnel should have is to make the right decisions not with certain assumptions but with the help of their analytical skills. It makes the people participating in the program efficient with the skills to adapt to decision making on the basis of analytical skills. It focuses on the decisions that will be actually based on the available facts.
  • The program gives the participants a clear focus on their mind about the things that they need to achieve regarding their targets and the associated decisions that are to be taken in order to reach there for their own benefit and also for the organization.
  • It focuses on the different elements of the human psychology or the background that influences a person while taking a particular decision such as culture, infrastructure etc.
  • It encourages the participants to follow the path that leads to the formation of a strong leader.

It is not for everyone

One point that is to be considered for the six sigma program is that it is only based for a particular set of people who are already trained for the business organizations or related. People coming from a different set of work field will find it difficult to adapt as it enriches your skills on the management set. Also, the program more or less though is concentrated on the person is quite favorable for the organizations since they are initiating and influencing it upon the people taking it up. Learning Six Sigma can evolve your approach to work – and results in higher quality outcomes for everyone involved.


Though we all discuss about the particular efficiency of the program, a lot of business analysts are also predicting about the downfall of the program which can be at any period of time and is pretty unknown to anybody. The best part about the program is that it does not focus on the size of the company when it comes to delivering the efficient result possible.