Six Sigma is one of the most influential business methodologies that focuses on quality and accuracy. Though Six Sigma originated in the manufacturing industry, it has been deployed in various businesses such as banking, healthcare and software development. With the addition of Lean to its management principles, it has evolved into Lean Six Sigma. It has been shown to greatly improve accuracy by reducing variation and waste and also focusing on the needs of a customer.
What makes Lean Six Sigma unique?
Lean Six Sigma identifies customer needs and problems in production. It, therefore, is highly accurate and reduces waste. It, therefore, delivers quality and profit. It eliminates variation by studying the data available to us thereby creating processes which should be repeatable regardless of the people involved.
Six Sigma is totally different from the Total Quality Management (TQM) which provides a cause of your problems and gives solutions to them. Instead, Six Sigma focuses on methods and numbers. Therefore it is a systematic way to measure the accuracy or effectiveness of a solution. Then the customer can indicate whether the changes were successful or not by checking if his requirements are met.
Benefits of Six Sigma:
Having said that Six Sigma greatly improves accuracy and eliminates variation, both in the manufacturing sector as well as other service-based companies around the world, Let us now look at what benefits these companies were able to reap by implementing Lean Six Sigma.
From the Company perspective:
While looking at the benefits, you can consider two perspectives, one for the company or enterprise as a whole and the other for the individuals. First, let us look at the benefits of Lean Sigma for Companies:
• The improvement or lack of improvement can be shown or visualized clearly as Lean Six Sigma is a large data-driven approach.
• Individual processes are studies and improved to produce desirable quality and results.
• It improves the capacity throughout the company.
• It drastically improves revenue and cost savings.
• The overall costs are greatly reduced as these processes produce fewer defects.
• By reducing defects, it saves materials, time and money.
• It focuses on continuous improvement.
Now let us look at the benefits that Lean Six Sigma proves for individuals.
Benefits of Lean Six Sigma for Individuals:
• It proves a new way of approaching problems without any ambiguity.
• There will be significant career advancement for Lean Six Sigma Belt holders. For people in managerial positions, it helps to study the data and contribute effectively by making good suggestions and decisions.
• People who are Lean Six Sigma Belt holders are often offered higher pay.
• It gives the individuals a sense of responsibility and ownership with respect to the quality and deliverables.
• The quality of work is improved greatly. The work environment also improves and creates a sustainable path towards continuous quality improvement.