When a company wants to enhance the way it operates, it frequently looks at several various strategies or techniques to fulfill its goals. When doing their study, they will most likely come across Black belt Six Sigma certification & 5S as viable choices. Many people believe that these are extremely similar or overlapping alternatives since they are both business improvement methods and feature “S’s” significantly in their titles.
What is 5S?
5S is a technique of arranging a workspace to make it safer, more efficient, & effective. The objective of 5S is really to establish a clean, uncluttered workplace that allows employees to execute their tasks efficiently while simultaneously reducing the danger of damage.
The 5 words in 5S indicate the five stages required to achieve this aim. They are sorting, setting, shining, standardizing, & sustaining. When putting up a workspace, 5S is a critical component in removing the 8 wastes. While it is among the most commonly utilized and essential components of Manufacturing, its common-sense application is applicable in nearly every situation.
What is six sigma?
Experts attribute Shewhart with being the first one to propose that every process component that deviates 3 sigmas from mean warrants modification. 1 standard deviation equals 1 sigma.
The Six Sigma technique asks for bringing operations to something like a “six sigma” level, which translates to 3.4 faults for every million chances. The objective is to employ continuous process development to modify processes so that they generate consistent & predictable outputs.
Six Sigma is indeed a data-driven method that provides tools & strategies for defining and evaluating each process step. It includes ways for increasing efficiency in a company structure, improving process quality, & increasing bottom-line profit.
Differences Between Six Sigma & 5S
However, 5S & black belt Six Sigma certification are 2 separate techniques, both of which may be quite beneficial. In many cases, applying both alternatives will lead to a significant improvement, & they could even complement each other to achieve even greater outcomes.
There are several important distinctions between these 2 approaches. First and foremost, each has a distinct purpose. 5S is concerned with reducing inefficiencies & waste in the workplace. This could be applied to any department or action that occurs. Online Six Sigma black belt certification, on either hand, is just a process improvement technique that seeks to reduce faults via the implementation of standard procedures, the identification of problem areas, as well as other methods.
Some Overlap
While these two alternatives have significant distinctions, there’s some overlap. This does not imply that the 2 systems are redundant, but rather that they might sometimes operate toward the same aims. For instance, if Six Sigma is just on-premise of black belt Six Sigma certification works on eliminating a specific fault from the product line; it’ll also assist in removing the waste which arises with defect, which is the aim of 5S.
Some Six Sigma & 5S projects will be comparable, while others will be completely different. As a result, the two approaches are extremely complementary &, in many situations, more effective when used together than when used alone. Any firm wanting to enhance their business will also want to have a hard look at these 2 alternatives and determine how they may be applied most effectively. Register for Yellow Belt Six Sigma Certification $1.99 only and get free study material.