What is Six Sigma

Six Sigma (or 6S) is a methodology for process improvement and a statistical concept that seeks to define the variation inherent in any process. The overarching premise of Six Sigma is that variation in a process leads to opportunities for error; opportunities for error then lead to risks for product defects.

Product defects – in a process or a service – lead to decreased customer satisfaction. By working to reduce variation and opportunities for error, the Six Sigma method ultimately reduces process costs and increases customer satisfaction.

While applying 6S methodologies, organizations, teams, and project managers must seek to implement strategies that are based on measurement and metrics. Historically, many business leaders made decisions based on intuition or experience – however a statistical approach offers key advantages over this method.

Despite some common beliefs in various industries, 6S doesn’t remove the need for experienced leadership, and it doesn’t negate the importance of intuition in any process. Instead, it works alongside other skills, experience, and knowledge to provide a mathematical and statistical foundation for decision making. Experience might say a process isn’t working; statistics prove that to be true. Intuition might guide a project manager to believe a certain change could improve output; Six Sigma works to help organizations validate those assumptions.

Amile Institute is an international accreditation body that helps you get your certifications in place online – at your leisure. We’ve also supplied a copy of the 6S Certification Manual, for Green and Black Belt – which will be set to you when you sign up for your certification.

Get your Six Sigma Green Belt / Black Belt and Complete Premium Courseware here

We hope you have an awesome time in the world of Quality Management – it’s a unique industry with a lot of learning and depth… The main reward it brings is the statistical proof of a Job Well Done!

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